GREETINGS POCKET KNIFE PEOPLE!!  And all other followers….

I have been contacted by Mr. Steven Dick, editor of “Tactical Knives Magazine”…

This will be our third huge and very valuable “Press Release” and great exposure for my book!! This magazine is a HUGE knife publication and I am honored by his request!! Knife World Magazine, Northeast Cutlery Collector’s Association, and now “Tactical Knives Magazine”..??? I can barely contain myself!!

Fantastic news folks; keep those orders coming!!    Bobby P.   CKCo….U.S.A.


 I am happy to inform my followers that my cousin Steven has continued the valued heritage of Colonial Knife Corporation and has a wonderful line of military, tactical and survival type knifes and other items for sale on-line. As I spoke very highly of my cousin in my book in his attempts to save the old Colonial, he has revised the old line into a new generation of popular models that are proving to be quite successful today!! The line also involves many law enforcement type automatic’s and I must say the quality of these knives is exceptional!  Please visit the site at: Colonial Knife and you will be pleased at my cousins hard work with this site and I applaud his efforts. Taking the Colonial name to the next level of success!!  Good job Steve…

Bobby Paolantonio..

R.A.P. Cutler, (aka Sant Claus) STRIKES TODAY!!!!

R.A.P. Cutler, (aka Sant Claus) STRIKES TODAY!!!!.

R.A.P. Cutler, (aka Sant Claus) STRIKES TODAY!!!!

R.A.P. Cutler, (aka Sant Claus) STRIKES TODAY!!!!. be sure to join our facebook group!

R.A.P. Cutler 5 Star Series Very Happy Collector

My friend Mr. Joe Keating from “All About Pocket Knives” has just received his new Stag Stockman R.A.P. Cutler!!

He sent me all kinds of pics and he’s absolutely delighted with his new toy!!  He paid about $50.00 for it but I reminded

him that these were never mass-produced and they were made exclusively by myself and are quite valuable!!

I have offered to sign his Certificate Of Authenticity and this should make the value well over $100.00 !!

Check out Joe’s blog at “All About Pocket Knives”….

Good luck Joe, and happy knife collecting!!   Robert A. Paolantonio… R.A.P. Cutler..



I’ve taken the liberty of showing you what will come FREE
with your purchase of my “Family Business Book”….
On the left is a photo of the front side of the blade, and the back side of the nail file. Photo on the right, displays the front of the file, and the back blade, both blades are stainless steel!! In addition, the right photo shows the clip, and is all one part incorporated with the rear liner, all made of
Solid Nickel Silver!!! This little gem is only 2 1/4” long, and 3/4′ wide. Since the application is perfect, I’m promoting the knife as a book mark!! Since these baby’s are over 50 years old and will never be made again, they are and will be
collector’s items for sure!
Stay tuned in!! Bobby Paolantonio….

CopyRights Protection

Just a FYI in case we need to remind anyone, the book and it’s contents are copyrighted. If you share anything from here, please give the credit where it belongs. 🙂  Thank you. Enjoy the Bladefest. More great stuff to come.