One of the top brass, NCCA, my friend Mr. Arthur Green..

One of the top brass, NCCA, my friend Mr. Arthur Green..

My old friend, Myron Tupa, the best push button collection I've ever seen

My old friend, Myron Tupa, the best push button collection I’ve ever seen

GEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAGEDSC DIGITAL CAMERAAfter 15 years I decided to pack up my gear and knife cases and gladly attended the Mystic knife show…
Nothing but praise from the wounderful folks at the NCCA, especially people like Arthur Green and Larry Clifford that year after year, put these things together..
What a task to be finalized with absolute proffesionalism and success! Here’s to all the staff at the NCCA !!

There are many pictures to show from this event so it will take some time..a picture paints a thousand words!!
Many thanks, Robert A. Paolantonio, Colonial Knife Co…