GREETINGS POCKET KNIFE PEOPLE!!  And all other followers….

I have been contacted by Mr. Steven Dick, editor of “Tactical Knives Magazine”…

This will be our third huge and very valuable “Press Release” and great exposure for my book!! This magazine is a HUGE knife publication and I am honored by his request!! Knife World Magazine, Northeast Cutlery Collector’s Association, and now “Tactical Knives Magazine”..??? I can barely contain myself!!

Fantastic news folks; keep those orders coming!!    Bobby P.   CKCo….U.S.A.

Official Press Release Confirmed!!

Greetings knife collectors near and far!

I am extremely proud to announce that Mr. Mark Zalensky, editor of Knife World Publications has sent me an early Christmas present! My first substantial press release will be posted in the January issue of Knife World Magazine!!

I would like to share a preview with you and my knife friends all over the world! Santa Claus has arrived a bit early for me this year! Thank you folks..

Bobby Paolantonio, CKCo., R.A.P. Cutler…”Cutler 4-Ever”….

Just to give some credit due…this work would not have been possible without the efforts of Adam Carter and more importantly, my very dear friend and Chief Editor Mrs. Michele Kacy!  Thank you so much sweetie!!!

Press Release, CKCo...


Greetings friends and knife people from near and far. You still have time to get your order in for my book!  There may be that someone special in your life that you can’t decide what to get them for Christmas. What better than a carefully compiled and informative story about a family run manufacturing company right here in the United States, that spans over 100 years of history! The FREE little antique knife skeleton is a bonus and works great as a page saver or a perfect pocket money clip! Having even a small knife blade and finger nail file in you pocket sometimes proves to be very valuable!

The affordable price of $ 25.00, shipped ANYWHERE in the U.S. is a bargain price for such an item, considering what a a few dollars will get you these days! Get you order in this week and be certain you’ll recieve it before the holiday..

For the fastest responses mail me at :, book.

Happy holidays and Merry Christmas from my wife and myself to all!!!